In order for Southern Health and Social Care Trust to help provide a service for you we need to know some information about you. Personal information that we process about you is governed by Data Protection legislation.
What information is collected?
We only collect the information we need to. This will include your name, address, date of birth, contact details and relevant health and social care history; this may include information for the purposes of financial assessments. We may need to collect information about you from other people, for example, your family, carers, other health professionals, or if necessary, other external agencies.
Health and Social Care Staff involved in your treatment and care may also collect information from other health professionals and organisations in line with legislation and data sharing requirements. This could include:
- Your GP
- Community Pharmacists
- Government Agencies – Police service of Northern Ireland (PSNI, Probation Board Northern Ireland (PBNI), Northern Ireland Housing Executive (NIHE), NI Prison Service
- Commissioned Services – Nursing Homes, Residential Homes, Charities
This list is not exhaustive.
How is it collected?
Information you provide to us is recorded in your personal paper file and also on our computer systems. This can include information you provide in person, on an official form (either online or in paper form) by telephone, or by information recorded on CCTV cameras (Including body worn cameras) that operate within the Trust.
What do we do with your information?
We collect this information to assist and treat you and plan healthcare services for you. Other reasons your information may be used include:
- To communicate with you by post, email, phone or text. This is to provide information about your appointments and ongoing care eg. Texts to remind you about your appointment date and time. Should you wish to opt out of reminder texts then please contact the relevant booking office or inform the receptionists when you attend the clinic.
- Helping to review the care given to you to ensure it is of the highest standard. This is done through internal audits, service user/carer feedback evaluations or external inspections of our services
- Training and educating staff or for audit purposes
- For research purposes (With your consent)
- Looking after the health and social welfare of the general public
- Investigating complaints or legal claims
- Preparing statistics on the Trust’s activity and performance
- Providing anonymised data, for example to the Department of Health, the Public Health Agency and the Health and Social Care Board for the planning of services.
We may also use data in conjunction with emerging technological advancements. Prior to the implementation or change to data processing we will ensure due diligence is applied before commencement.
Who will my information be shared with?
To help us provide the best care or service for you, we may need to share your information with authorised individuals directly involved in your health and/or social care. We only ever do this if it is needed in your best interests. Your relatives, friends and carers may be given information about you, but only if you agree, or in circumstances where it is necessary to ensure your health and wellbeing or where there are safeguarding concerns.
Your information may also be used in a way that does not identify you, for example, to help identify trends such as increases in certain diseases.
Find out more on who your information may be shared with.
Will it be shared with anyone else without my consent?
There may be occasions where your information can be shared with other organisations without your consent but this will only happen when it is -:
- Required by law for example
- Required by a court order
- Necessary to detect or prevent crime, including allegations or suspicions of fraud
- Necessary to protect the public from serious harm, eg. the protection of vulnerable adults or Children.
- Required for monitoring certain health conditions, eg. by the Public Health Agency (PHA) or Department of Health
- Monitoring of deaths, for example review of hospital deaths or for organ donation purposes
- Necessary for the provision of services and information may be shared with other health providers contracted/sub contracted to provide care on our behalf, such as the independent sector who will help to address waiting lists.
- Necessary to communicate with service users – information may be shared with third party organisations contracted/ sub contracted by the Trust who will send our correspondence via post or electronic methods.
- Necessary to share with other organisations where information is shared as part of a statutory/lawful process.
How will it affect me if I do not want to provide information?
It is important to remember that the purpose of using your information is to provide you with safe, fast and effective care. Not providing information may have a significant effect on the appropriate care and protection that we and others provide to you.
Security of your information
At Southern Health and Social Care Trust we take your privacy seriously. Staff will only access your information on a strict ‘need to know’ basis or when they are involved in your period of care. All staff have a legal duty to keep your information safe and confidential, as does anyone who receives information about you from the Trust. In line with legislation the Trust has a range of measures and strict standards to protect paper and electronically held information.
We will not transfer your data to other countries outside the UK without an appropriate lawful basis for doing so and the information having been secured in a way that safeguards it during and after transfer to the country receiving it.
How long will my information be retained for?
We will retain your information in line with specific guidance issued by the Department of Health in Northern Ireland. The length of time we keep your information for will depend on the types of records created for your care. If you want to find out more about how long your records are retained, you can ask staff or view the “Good Management, Good Records” section under “Disposal Schedule” on Department of Health’s website. Good Management, Good Records – Disposal Schedule | Department of Health (
Keeping your information up-to-date
It is very important that the information we hold about you is correct and up-to-date. You can help us to do that by telling us of any changes. Please tell us if you move house, change your GP, change your name or telephone number.
To update your name or address, please follow the link below to Business Service Organisation Website. Alternatively you can update your information whenever you present for provision of care at any Trust site.
Your Rights
Data Protection legislation gives you the right to request copies of the personal information the Trust holds about you and a right to take action to correct any factually inaccurate information. You also have a right to take action if you feel you have suffered damage and distress due to the Trust’s use of your information. See the ICO website (link provided below) for more information about your rights under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UKGDPR).
How do I see my information?
If you want to see the information we hold about you or ask about how we use it, you can speak to the person in charge of your care or you can request a copy of your information. See the Trust’s website for further details on how you can apply for a copy of your health and social care information. Click Here
Requests will be responded to as quickly as possible and usually within one month; however the UKGDPR allows up to 3 months for providing a response to complex requests. Generally there is no charge for copies of records except where the request is manifestly unfounded or excessive or is a repeat request.
Is there any information that I cannot see?
There are occasions when other people have provided information relating to your care. In some cases there may also be information in your notes about other people that is their personal information. We have a duty to keep certain information confidential and may not be able to share it with you.
Complying With Legislation
The conditions that ensure the Trust processes your personal information lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner are set out in Article 6 and Article 9 of the UK General Data Protection Regulation. These conditions include, for example, complying with our legal obligations, to meet the vital interests of service users, for public health purposes and to fulfil our public duty to provide health and social care services and manage our systems.
Where can I find more information?
If you want to know more about how we use your information, if you are unhappy with any aspect about how we use your information or comply with your request, you can contact the Trust’s Data Protection Office at the following address:
Data Protection Office
Belfast Health and Social Care Trust
1st Floor, Administration Building
Knockbracken Healthcare Park
Saintfield Road
BT8 8BHTel: 028 9504 6955
Email: DataProtection@belfasttrust.hscni.netIf you have any further concerns or queries on how your personal data is being processed you can contact the Information Commissioners Office.
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AFTel: 0303 123 1113 or 01625 545 745