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Contracted services within Independent sector

  • Social Care Farming

    Social Farming is an innovative use of agriculture to promote therapy, rehabilitation, social inclusion, education, and social services in rural areas. It is a service delivered by farmers, providing the opportunity for individuals with support needs to get involved in farming in a supportive way. Social Farming participants are supported in the farm environment to learn, to connect, and to achieve their potential. Social Farming activities are meaningful, structured, and seasonal. The main activity areas are working with animals; horticulture; maintenance; baking/crafts.

    We currently have 5 Social Farms delivering within the Southern Trust area located in Armagh, Hilltown, Silverbridge, Newry and Ballyroney.

    Social Farming further information:

    Social Farming Support Service – or 02886760040

  • Appleby Print IT

    Employment Prep Flyer


  • Cedar Foundation

    Easy Read Cedar Inclusion Works LD info sheet May 22

  • Mencap

    Mencap wants the UK to be the best place in the world for people with a learning disability to live happy and healthy lives. Everything we do is about valuing and supporting people with a learning disability, their families and carers. We are committed to listening to and being led by people with a learning disability from all communities.

    Mencap’s Employment Service has been supporting people with a learning disability across Northern Ireland for over 30 years, through a range of services and projects.



    Mencap’s EmployAbility3 project is a specialist employment project for people with a learning disability in Northern Ireland.

    The aim of the EmployAbility3 project is to connect people with a learning disability to the labour market, using a person centred approach.

    A person will be eligible for the project if they:

    • are 16 years old or over
    • have a learning disability
    • want to work
    • are available for work
    • are willing to travel to work
    • live in an area where we provide the EmployAbility3 project

    When someone joins the project, they will work with a dedicated staff team to develop their own personal agreement and action plan. This agreement will help the person to work towards fulfilling their training or employment goals.

    The project supports each person to develop their skills and build experience using a range of supports, as appropriate for them. Support may include:

    • Skills analysis
    • Job profiling and matching
    • Work placements
    • Vocational advice and guidance
    • Job search activities
    • Interview skills training
    • Support to develop independent work skills and training
    • Support to gain paid employment
    • Route training
    • 1:1 and group sessions
    • Personal development and wellbeing
    • Online/virtual support and promotion of digital inclusion
    • Signposting to other organisations for any additional support/social activities

    Outcomes for people on the EmployAbility3 project include progression to paid work, voluntary work and further education/training.


    If you would like further information on Mencap’s EmployAbility3 project, you can contact:

    Mencap Service Manager:  David McKenna

    Phone:  07827331027
