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Attending Trust Board

Members of the public are welcome to attend and observe proceedings.  If you would like to attend, please email:
Only those who have been granted speaking rights are able to address the Board.

Trust Board is the formal decision-making body for the Southern Health and Social Care Trust – responsible for providing effective leadership and strategic direction, ensuring that we meet our statutory and regulatory duties and effectively manage risks.

Trust Board meetings take place in a public forum which means that members of the public are very welcome to attend and observe. We ask anyone who is attending to let us know in advance.

As we have a lot of complex business to get through at each Trust Board meeting, we follow   Standing Orders which are rules to help us fulfil our responsibilities. Under Standing Orders, we ask anyone who wishes to ask a question or address the meeting on an agenda item, to request Speaking Rights 3 working days in advance through the Board Assurance Manager.

The Trust Board Agenda is available on our website one week before the meeting at

Confidential agenda items (e.g. individual patient or staff matters or commercially sensitive issues) are discussed during a closed session prior to the main Board meeting.

A record of the meeting and the decisions taken is set out in the Minutes which the Board approves at the next meeting before being added to the website along with the papers for that meeting.

For further information contact: Sandra Judt, Board Assurance Manager  Tel: 028 3756 0121 Email: