COVID-19 update
Alcohol consumption during lockdown
Alcohol is popularly consumed in Northern Ireland as the drug of choice. Many of us enjoy a drink when at home or out with friends, but we need to be aware of the affect that alcohol can have on us and those around us. Many people might use alcohol to relax, but, instead of helping us to cope, excess amounts can have an immediate negative impact on our lives. It is therefore important that people start to understand their drinking behaviour and explore their relationship with alcohol. We need to be careful how we use alcohol.
The recommendation is that both men and women drink no more than 14 units per week. If you do drink as much as 14 units per week, it is best to spread this evenly over three days or more. You can’t ‘save up’ your units for a particular day or a party.
Drinking too much can seriously affect our health and a good starting point is to look at how much you do drink.
- Complete the ALCOHOL MOT questionnaire to check if your alcohol intake is putting your health at risk.
- Learn how many units are in your chosen drink – visit and download the ‘Know Your Units’ app.
Further information:
- Visit the Northern Ireland Drugs and Alcohol Coordination Teams Connections Services (NIDACTS) Directory of Services for details of the Support Services in Northern Ireland