The Allied Health Professions (AHP) consist of 12 different professional groups. AHPs play a key role in primary and secondary prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care. AHPs work with all age groups and within a areas of care. Within the Southern Trust we directly employ 7 professions from the AHP workforce as well as contracting services from a number of the other professions. The professions directly employed by the Trust are:
- Dietitians
- Physiotherapists
- Orthoptists
- Radiographers
- Podiatrists
- Occupational Therapists
- Speech & Language Therapists
Guide for Patients/Carers – Digital solutions to service delivery by Allied Health Professionals
Patients and their Carers can view videos and download information on a variety of services including foot care, children’s services, rehabilitation, nutrition, musculoskeletal and much more.
The AHP guide for patients and carers is useful in helping us to maintain a high quality and targeted level of AHP service delivery with a population that needs to stay safe and at home. It also helps to safeguard our workforce and support colleagues in isolation to continue to make a meaningful therapeutic contribution to their patients.