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Due to the COVID-19 pandemic our service has had to change. We are still here to help and support you. We are carrying out telephone reviews and will carry out urgent face to face appointments as necessary.

If your child has respiratory needs or urgent equipment reviews it may be necessary to carry out a home visit. This will be assessed on an individual basis in line with current guidance.

If your child is known to a physiotherapist and you have any queries please contact them on the number you have been provided with.

If you don’t have a contact telephone number and you would like to speak to a physiotherapist please ring 028 3756 4900, give your child’s name, date of birth and your name and a therapist will return your call.

If you are having problems with splints please contact the appliance service on 028 95049305.



Exercise is good for everyones general health. It’s good for self esteem and mental well being. Moving the body improves strength stability and mobility.


  • Improves strength which leads to better gross motor skills and independence.
  • Improves sleep, which is often a problem for those with physical difficulties.
  • Reduces constipation – as the body moves the muscles in the stomach contract and help move its contents along, relieves trapped wind.
  • Weight bearing activities improve bone density and reduce the risk of fracture.

Exercise can help maintain or increase muscle length through active stretch, maintaining the range of movement in the joint, leading to improved function and independence in everyday tasks.

We all have a different level that we start from with exercise, so it may be that your child gets a good workout just by moving their head or their arms and others will benefit from moving their whole body.

A physiotherapist will be able to guide you and suggest activities suitable to your child’s level of ability.

Click HERE to download an Exercise Diary and see if you can get 60 minutes of activity every day.

Managing your child’s posture at home

Why is this so important?

Children who have difficulty in moving or adjusting their position are at risk of developing long term changes to their body shape or even developing pressure areas.

Range of movement in the joints and length of muscles may all become altered and may cause changes in body shape if posture is not maintained. This may result in change of shape in the spine and hip dislocation.

This can then lead onto other difficulties including eating, drinking, digestion/constipation, pain, personal care and breathing difficulties.

  • Aim to work towards a symmetrical posture in lying, standing and sitting
  • Don’t let hips and knees swing to one side
  • Avoid legs crossing over
  • Keep pelvis level and don’t let it rotate
  • Encourage eyes forward and head level
Physiotherapy videos to promote gross motor development

(PLEASE NOTE: these videos are appropriate for all children –  they are not specific for children with disabilities)

An A-Z of Postural Care

If your child has been provided with specialist supportive equipment please try to use this to maintain their posture. If you need any further support with this please contact your child’s physiotherapist.

Useful links

Click above for useful links