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Who is Trust Board?

Meet our Executive and Non-Executive Team:

Get to know the experienced team behind our decisions, who ensure that our actions align with our commitment to integrity, innovation and the pursuit of a brighter future.

  • Chair and Non-Executive Directors
    Eileen Mullan, Chair

    Eileen was appointed Chair of the Board of the Southern Health and Social Care Trust in December 2020. Her background includes leadership roles across the community, voluntary, public and private sectors which has been steeped in public service.

    Eileen is a powerhouse in advocating for diversity, inclusion and is a champion for change. She is founder of Boardroom Apprentice, an initiative that enables and empowers the next generation of decision makers to take their seat at the board table.

    Mrs Hilary McCartan

    Mrs Hilary McCartan lives in Belfast and is a chartered accountant by profession.

    Mrs McCartan has held a number of senior management posts in the private sector including the role of Finance Director and non-executive roles in the public sector. Mrs McCartan is currently a Member of the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (until March 2016), a Commissioner for Londonderry Port and Harbour Commissioners, and a Non-Executive Member of Northern Ireland Transport Holding Company.

    Mrs Pauline Leeson, CBE

    Pauline Leeson is a Social Worker and Chief Executive for Children in Northern Ireland, the regional network for the children’s sector. She is an Independent Member of the Lisburn and Castlereagh Policing and Community Safety Partnership and was awarded CBE in 2013 for services to children in Northern Ireland.


    Liz Ensor

    Liz has extensive experience in Finance, Corporate Governance and Human Resources working at Board level as an Executive Director over the last 35 years in the Third and Private sectors and as a Non-Executive Director in the Voluntary and Public Sector. She has achieved significant success in leading major change initiatives, strategic planning, acquisitions and mergers and business improvements including organisational restructuring.
    Liz’s recently held appointments include a Non-Executive Director on the Board of the Dept of Finance, serving on the Boards Audit and Risk Committee, chair of ESS Audit and Risk Committee and a member of Land Property Service and NISRA Audit and Risk Committees.
    She was also chairperson of the NICS Non-Executive Directors Forum a platform where all NICS and NIO Non- Executive Directors shared ideas and concerns to improve the quality of support to Accounting officers.
    Prior to joining the Department of Finance, she was a Non-Executive Director on the Board of the Northern Health and Social Care Trust where she served on the Audit, Assurance and Risk Committees, and the Board representative on the Adoption Panel.
    In the independent sector Liz was the Group Operations Director of the Domestic Care Group with oversight of a group of 4 companies.
    In the third sector she was Director of Corporate Services with Age Concern Northern Ireland working across the UK and Non-Executive Director on the Board of Inspire Well Being (Addiction Services) and a member of the all-Ireland Finance Risk and Corporate Services Committee.
    Currently she is a self-employed consultant delivering innovative technology solutions and professional services, workplace investigations, chairs employee relations panels, advises on governance, financial strategies and business planning in the Voluntary and Private sectors.

    Ms Geraldine Donaghy

    Ms Donaghy was formerly Chief Executive of the Confederation of Community Groups, Newry & Mourne and until recently was a Trustee with the Community Foundation N.I. She has previously served as a Non Executive Director with the RQIA (Regulation Quality & Improvement Authority) and as a Non Executive Director on Warrenpoint Harbour Authority.

    Ms Donaghy has also wide experience in governance and compliance within public and voluntary sector organisations and is currently a Charities Commissioner with the Charities Commission N.I.

    Mr Martin McDonald BSc (Econ), Dip.T.P.,MBE.

    Martin McDonald has over 40 years of experience in public service,
    commencing his career with local government in 1973. He later went on to work in the Town & Country Planning Service and in 1990 joined the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development as a Rural Area
    Co-ordinator under the North ern Ireland Rural Development Programme.

    Martin is well recognised as a key figure in the development and implementation of major rural development initiatives. He joined the NI Rural Development Council as Chief Executive in 1999 and retired in 2011.

    Martin has also worked with the International Fund for Ireland, acting as their agent through RDC, for projects and programmes under the Fund’s ‘Sharing this Space’ strategy. Through this he has extended his experience into urban areas, particularly with projects that have a clear focus upon reconciliation.

    He has been a member of the NI Heritage Lottery Fund since 2011 and acted as Interim Chair between 2013 and 2016. He also acts as a non-executive director on the NI Fisheries Harbour Authority. Martin is a former director and Chair of Newry Credit Union.

    He is married to Anne, lives in Newry, has three children and three grandchildren. Martin was awarded an MBE for Services to Regeneration in the 2011 Queen’s Birthday Honours List.

    Rob Lynas

    Rob has worked across Executive Departments and local councils in Britain and the EU on EU Funding, Sustainable Development and transfer of planners to local councils.

    Rob graduated in the Cross Border Studies (Project – power of collaboration in public procurement) and Belfast Healthy Cities Programmes. His HR experience includes structural reviews, mergers, pay & grading reform. Personal assignments include designing a working pattern allowing 6 day (extended) opening for MOTs.  Rob reviewed the Local Government Staff Commission.

    His continuing interest in Healthy Communities (sustainability goal) took him to a Lay Representative role with NIMDTA*,  providing independent perspective and challenge for aspects of its work. Further engagement with senior figures and trainees in medicine followed when appointed to GMC  led Visit Team inspections-probing the quality of medical training and patient safety.

    Currently a Director (transformation) of several local charities. Previously on Irish Rugby`s Charity Committee . Other leadership roles include President of a local sports club and Chairmanship of a Chorale Society.

    Jackie Johnston, CBE

    Jackie is a former senior civil servant with wide experience of public administration including oversight of the corporate governance requirements for statutory bodies.  During his career he has held senior policy positions in the areas of economic development, constitutional development, corporate regulation, urban regeneration and the health service.

    He is a Non-Executive Director of the Probation Board for Northern Ireland and an Associate of the Health and Social Care Leadership Centre.

    He has an MSc in Executive Leadership from Ulster University and was awarded a CBE for services to healthcare.

  • Chief Executive and Executive Directors
    Dr Maria O’Kane, Chief Executive

    Dr O’Kane took up post as Chief Executive on 1st May 2022, having been the Trust’s Medical Director since December 2018 and Interim Director of Mental Health and Disability from April 2021 to February 2022. With a background in Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and NHS Leadership, she brings a long of experience of Mental Health Services.

    She trained as  a Scottish Patient Safety Fellow and Dartmouth Coach and has been Deputy Chair of the RCPsych in NI and a recent chair of the Royal College of Psychiatrists Invited Review Service.

    Heather Trouton, Executive Director of Nursing, Midwifery, AHPs and support services / Deputy Chief Executive

    Heather has worked in the Trust as a Nurse in a variety of roles since 1996. In 2009 she took up post as Assistant Director for Surgery & Elective Care in Acute Services and led in the provision of Surgical Services across the Trust for 7 years.

    In 2016 she moved to the position of Assistant Director for Integrated Maternity & Women’s Health and Cancer & Clinical Services. Heather has a wealth of experience across many service areas working closely with Nurses, Midwives and Allied Health Professionals who deliver excellent patient care to our patients and service users every day.

    Heather took up the role of Deputy Chief Executive in June 2023.

    Catherine Teggart, Director of Finance, Procurement and Estates

    Catherine studied at the University of Ulster, graduating in 1999 with a degree in Business Studies with Accounting. On her gap year, during this time, she also completed an 18 month secondment in the USA working for the Washington Post.

    From 1999-2004 she trained as a Chartered Accountant with ASM Horwath Chartered Accountants in Belfast.

    Catherine has extensive public sector finance experience, working for 18 years for the Department of Justice (DOJ) in various roles. From 2004-2014 she held Senior Accountant positions in DOJ Policing Division and Financial Services Division. From 2012-2014 Catherine was Head of Finance and then Acting Head of Corporate Services for the Youth Justice Agency. She held the position of Head of Finance and Estates for the Probation Board for Northern Ireland from 2014-2021 as a member of the Senior Leadership team, responsible for financial planning, financial management, procurement, Estates and funding to the voluntary and community sector. Catherine is a Fellow member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland and is an Independent Member of the Driver Vehicle Agency (DVA) Audit and Risk Committee.

    Dr Stephen Austin, Executive Medical Director

    Dr Austin took up post as Medical Director on 7th November 2022. Dr Austin is new to Southern Trust and trained as a consultant in Anaesthesia and Critical Care Medicine. He brings a wealth of experience having previously worked in a succession of medical leadership roles at Belfast Trust and also has worked for the General Medical Council and the British Medical Association during earlier stages of his career.

    Dr Austin has a particular interest in medical leadership in healthcare and is a strong advocate of a learning culture which promotes improvement in the safety and quality of care.

    Mr Colm McCafferty,  Director of Children and Young People’s Services

    Colm has been the Director of Children and Young People’s Services / Executive Director for Social Work From 23rd September 2021. He has over 25 years’ experience in Social Services and over 10 years senior management experience. Prior to moving to his current role he was Assistant Director for Corporate Parenting in the Trust from 2015 – 2021.

    Colm is a member of the Regional SBNI Safeguarding Board for NI and chairs the Southern Outcomes Group, established to take forward integrated planning and service delivery for children and families. He is also a member of the Regional Public Protection Arrangements Northern Ireland (PPANI) Strategic Forum.  He has significant experience of service reform and has a particular interest in developing placement capacity and supports for Looked after Children in addition to improving the range and accessibility of preventative health and social care supports to children, families and communities.

  • The following Directors are members of the Senior Leadership Team and attend Trust Board
    Jan McGall, Director of Mental Health & Disability Services

    Jan holds a Bachelor of Science (Hons) Degree in Occupational Therapy and a Masters Degree in Public Administration.  Jan was appointed Director of Mental Health & Disability Services in March 2022, having joined the Trust in 2020, as Assistant Director, Mental Health Services.  Jan is an Occupational Therapist by profession and worked or over 15 years in a variety of clinical and managerial roles in the Belfast Trust.


    Elaine Wilson, Director of Planning, Performance and Informatics

    Elaine Wilson commenced as the Trust’s new Director of Planning, Performance and Informatics on 19 June 2023.

    Elaine is a Chartered Accountant who has significant experience in public sector reform, capital development and management of change programmes.

    In her previous role as Programme Director for Primary Care Infrastructure Development, within the Strategic Planning & Performance Group of the Department of Health, Elaine led a programme of significant investment to enable strategic reform within primary and community care to support the delivery of Health & Social Care strategic priorities.

    Prior to this, Elaine spent 15 years as a Management Consultant within Deloitte LLP where she specialised in public sector reform and change management, including significant time spent working across health and social care in Northern Ireland and the wider UK.

    Elaine is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland.

    Margaret O’Hagan, Director for Transformation and Improvement

    Margaret was appointed as Director of Transformation and Improvement in the Southern Health and Social Care Trust on February 12 2024.

    Margaret has a wealth of experience as an operational manager. She has undertaken a number of management roles delivering the full range of acute hospital services and has built extensive knowledge and skill as well as a significant network in doing so.   In 2013, Margaret was appointed as Director of Acute Services in the Northern Health and Social Care Trust, then following a reorganisation in 2016, became the Director of Surgery and Clinical Services.

    In May 2022, Margaret came to the Southern Trust on secondment to support the then ongoing Urology Lookback Review and provide support with the Trust’s response to the Urology Services Inquiry.

    Margaret is a nurse by profession and has worked in a number of professional roles in Health and Social Care including working for the Department of Health as a Nursing Advisor for secondary care and cancer services. Margaret is also an alumni of the Health Foundation haven undertaken a Leadership Fellowship with the Health Foundation in the past.

    Mrs Vivienne Toal, Director of Human Resources and Organisational Development

    Mrs Vivienne Toal has been appointed as the Trust’s Director of Human Resources & Organisational Development. (September 2016)

    Vivienne brings to her new role a wealth of HR experience, gained over 18 years in the Southern Trust and previously in Craigavon Area Hospital Group Trust. Her experience extends across a range of areas, most recently Employee Relations, Organisational Development and Resourcing. Vivienne was also the designated Deputy Director of HROD in the Trust prior to taking up her new position and is a chartered member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).

    Mr Brian Beattie, Director of Adult Community Services

    Brian was appointed as Director of Adult Community Service in October 2022. Prior to this he was Interim Director of Older People and Primary Care (OPPC) since June 2019. He was also the Assistant Director of Primary Care since the inception of the Southern Health and Social Care Trust in April 2007.

    Brian has worked in Health and Social Care (HSC) in Northern Ireland since qualifying as a Chartered Physiotherapist in 1986 and has held a range of clinical and managerial posts. He managed Physiotherapy Services within the Craigavon Area Hospital Group Trust, from 1991 until March 2007.

    Brian has over 35 years of experience working collaboratively with a range of HSC staff, including Allied Health Professionals. His work entails the development of new and innovative services, as well as management and oversight of operational delivery of clinical and social care services. This requires close working with stakeholders, both internal and external to the Trust, including Independent Sector Providers, Community and Voluntary Partners internal and Service the Trust, including Independent Sector Providers, Community and Voluntary Partners internal and Service.

    Trudy Reid, Director of Medicine and Unscheduled Care

    Trudy Reid is the new Director of Medicine and Unscheduled Care. Trudy was previously Interim Director of Surgery & Elective Care, Cancer & Clinical Services and Integrated Maternity and Womens Health.

    Trudy is a registered general nurse with over 30 years’ experience across different specialities, Trudy trained at the start of her career in the Southern Area College of Nursing.
    She brings to the role significant clinical, operational and governance experience from working across a number of organisations.
    Trudy was awarded an MBE (Members of the Order of the British Empire) in the Queen’s Birthday Honours in June 2021 for services to infection prevention and control during the Covid-19 pandemic.

    Cathrine Reid, Director of Surgery & Clinical Services

    Cathrine Reid is the new Director of Surgery & Clinical Services.

    From January 1, 2023 Cathrine was Interim Director of Surgery and Elective Care, Integrated Maternity and Women’s Health, Cancer and Clinical services She was previously Interim Director Medicine and Unscheduled Care.

    Cathrine qualified as a nurse within the Southern Trust in 1990 and has worked in various clinical roles both in the hospital and in the community as a Health Visitor. Cathrine has also held roles within service improvement projects, governance and management.

    Cathrine’s has experience  within Unscheduled and Primary Care as Head of Service GP OOHs  and more recently as Interim Assistant Director Primary Care.

  • Register of Members Interests

    Register_Declaration of Interests Trust Board for 2023_24 for website