Visiting Information

We have updated our visiting guidance in response to ‘Enabling Safer Visiting’, issued by Department of Health NI.
Every effort shall be made to facilitate visiting that meets patients’ wishes as visitors are an important part of the recovery process.
In addition we ask that:
- Patients inform nursing staff of their preferred visiting arrangements
- Visitors engage with nursing staff around visiting as partners in care
- Visitors stay at home if they are experiencing symptoms of COVID 19 or any other illness, even if these symptoms are mild and unconfirmed.
- Visitors adhere to good infection prevention and control practice by wearing appropriate Personal Protective Equipment for the duration of the visit (as advised following a risk assessment and provided in the donning area)
- Visitors make themselves aware of the risks involved in visiting their loved one, and work with the ward/care setting
- Visitors wash hands or use alcohol hand rub before visiting, when leaving and after removing Personal Protective Equipment.
- Visitors respect other patients and staff to try to protect their health, including maintaining a good distance from other patients/residents and staff
- Visitors should not bring hot or chilled food into hospital for patients unless agreed with the ward sister or charge nurse first
- Visitors should not bring nuts into hospital in case anyone has a severe food allergy
Please note:
The Infection Prevention and Control Team may on occasions recommend that visiting arrangements are changed for short periods of time. In these instances, staff will inform patients so they can advise their visitors and those that have booked will be alerted by the schedulers.
Children will be facilitated to visit in exceptional circumstances following discussion with the nurse in charge.
Specific arrangements:
Please see below for specific arrangements for individual areas: