Purchase of equipment and supplies / Procurement
The procurement of goods and services for the Southern Trust is managed and delivered by the Procurement and Logistics Service (PaLS), which is accredited as a Centre of Procurement Expertise (COPE).
PaLS is part of the Business Services Organisation (BSO) which provides a broad range of regional business support functions and specialist professional services to the whole of the health & social care sector in Northern Ireland.
View PaLs information on the BSO website.
Procurement and tendering procedures
The Trust adheres to regional policy for the procurement of goods and services.
5152780- Fit Testing Services
View the two latest contract notices published for the Fit Testing Services on:
Tender Opportunity – Social Care
Currently the Southern Health and Social Care Trust is seeking Tenders for the provision of early intervention and prevention family support services, with a primary service focus on 5-13 year olds.
Please refer to eTendersNI (https://etendersni.gov.uk/epps/home.do) for details.
The closing date and time for receipt of tender submissions is 28 June 2024 at 3:00pm.