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Physical Activity

Physical activity is all about moving more and sitting less. It is much easier to sustain if it is enjoyable, and is incorporated into daily life to become a habit.

Physical activity is good for us, not only to help us physically but also mentally no matter what your age or fitness level.

Physical activity is all about moving, so move more and sits less!

The Southern Trust coordinates a number of physical activity initiatives to help communities stay active and increase awareness of moving more and sitting less.


Get Active Outdoors

Find below details of Get Active Outdoors activities being piloted by the Council’s Community Sports Development department.  To book and for further details on these outdoor taster sessions, please use the link

Alternatively if you prefer to exercise at home you will a wide range of videos online especially prepared by ABC Council’s qualified tutors.  These are available on the council’s COVID-19 Community Hub and can be accessed by clicking on the links below:


Physical activity is all about moving more and sitting less. It is much easier to sustain if it is enjoyable, and is incorporated into everyday life. We provide a range of different opportunities to help increase physical activity levels for various population groups.


Clare Drummy, Physical Activity Coordinator, Tel. 028 3756 3971

Rhonda Richardson, Fit for You Project Coordinator (programmes for adults with physical, sensory or learning disabilities), Tel. 028 3756 4490

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