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Contact Numbers

1 East - Gynaecology028 3756 1720/1/2
1 North - Coronary Care  028 3756 1610/1/2/3/4/5
1 South - Medical 028 3756 1620/1/2/3/4/5
2 East - Midwifery Led Unit028 3756 1730
2 North - Respiratory028 3756 1633/4/5
2 North-Medical028 3756 1639
3 North 028 3756 1649/ 1650 / 1657
2 South - Medical 028 3756 1641
2 South - Stroke   028 3756 1640/1/2/3/4/5
2 West - Maternity 028 3756 1740/1/2
Children's outpatients 028 3756 1970/1
Children's short stay assessment unit028 3756 1965/6
Children's Ward028 375 61950/1/2/3
3 South - Short Stay Ward028 3756 1660/1/2/3
4 North - Surgical Admission028 3756 1670/1/2/3/4/5
4 South - Progressive Care Ward028 3756 1680/1/2/3/4/5
Acute Medical Unit028 3756 1691/2/3
Acute Medical Unit028 3756 1695
Bluestone Reception028 3756 7600
Bluestone Unit - Bronte Ward028 3756 7630/1
Bluestone Unit - Cloughmore Ward028 3756 7635/6
Bluestone Unit - Dorsy Unit 028 3756 7690
Bluestone Unit - Rosebrook 028 3756 7661/2
Bluestone Unit - Silverwood Ward028 3756 7645/6
Bluestone Unit - Willows Ward028 3756 7640/1
Bluestone Unit Reception028 3756 7600
Cath Lab 028 3756 0274/5
Chair's Office028 3756 0141
Chief Executive's Office028 3756 1014
Clinical Decision Unit (CDU)028 3756 1775
Day Clinical Centre02837561702/3
Day Surgery028 3861 2069
Dermatology Outpatients028 375 65950
Dermatology Inpatients Ward  028 3861 2608 
ENT Outpatients028 375 62391
Elective Admission Ward 028 3756 1710
Emergency Department028 3756 1750
Fracture Clinic028 3836 6852
Fracture Outpatients Appointments028 375 66853
Haematology 028 3756 6170
Intensive Care Unit028 3756 6863
Mandeville Unit  028 3756 3140
Mental Health Referral & Booking Centre028 3756 3430
Neonatal Unit028 3756 2306
Obstetrics & Gynaecology Outpatients028 3756 1810
Outpatients Booking Centre028 3756 3410
Outpatients Department 028 3756 6853
Ramone Outpatients028 375 60672
Rapid Access Chest Pain Clinic028 3756 1618
Recovery Ward  028 38 366970
Trauma Ward  028 37566870/1
X-Ray028 3756 0140

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