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ID CAMHS – Intellectual Disability

Mission Statement

ID CAMHS journey with children, young people, and their families, giving hope by working for and with the child, to ensure the best quality of life.

Who are we?

The ID CAMHS team is a multi-disciplinary, therapeutic team, who provide a specialist CAMHS for children and young people with an intellectual disability

All staff have various backgrounds, in psychiatry, nursing, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, social work, family therapy, and work with children, young people and their families using evidenced-based approaches such as Positive Behavioural Support (PBS) and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).

Who do we work with?

We work with children and young people with intellectual disabilities who experience mental health and complex behavioural difficulties.

We work closely with families, school, short break facilities, and other health professionals to achieve a holistic view of the child or young person’s world.

What do we do?
  • Assessment
  • Group based intervention
  • Individual intervention
  • Indirect intervention/training for parents and carers

COVID-19 specific resources

Survey for parents of children attending special schools

  • Complete the survey HERE

Children and Young People Strategic Partnership (CYPSP)


Please see links below for some general videos and resources that may be helpful
  • Making and using a stress kit

  • Using a timer

  • Countdown Strip

  • First/Then

  • Coping with change

  • Understanding emotions

  • Deep breathing to help with anxiety

  • Choice making