The Short Breaks service urgently require carers to provide a short break for a number of children.
(*Please note names have been changed to protect identity & preserve the anonymity of the child/ young person)

Meet Matthew
Matthew* is 15 years old. He enjoys walking, and has a keen interest in geography, history and politics, and regularly watches YouTube videos about these topics. Matthew has a diagnosis of autism and mental health needs. He lives with his family, who would benefit from regular short breaks from their caring role. Ideally, a short break for Matthew would be a minimum of four overnights per month. Applications from carers with any availability would be appreciated, and we would particularly welcome carers with availability to provide short breaks at weekends.
Matthew can verbally communicate his needs, and would benefit from carers who are calm, patient and committed to meeting his needs in a predictable and structured environment. People who know Matthew well comment on how much he enjoys interacting with others and any social opportunities. Ideally, two carers would be best to support his supervision needs and maintain his safety when out and about. We would also encourage carers who can engage with him in activities he enjoys such as badminton, board games, swimming and the trampoline.
Carers supporting Matthew may be provided with allowances and a potential fee, as well as dedicated support from a link worker from the Short Breaks Team, including training.
We have a range of care roles to suit your availability and your other work/life commitments. Depending on your level of availability, allowances or fees will be paid. If you think you could provide a short break for Matthew or another child, please get in touch for more information.
We welcome enquiries from anyone, regardless of their race, religion, language, culture, gender, disability or sexual orientation.
*Name changed and stock image used to protect the child’s identity
For more information, get in touch with us today on 02837 564350 or email
Meet Emily
Emily is 8 years old and has a diagnosis of Autism, a learning disability, epilepsy, chromosomal abnormality and sensory processing difficulties.
Emily needs someone who can provide her with a short break of 2 overnight stays per week during term time, and 2-3 overnights during school holidays. Emily lives at home with her mum and siblings; Emily’s mum is her primary carer and she experiences carer stress and there is a risk of family breakdown if a suitable placement is not identified.
Emily is a very lovable child who loves hugs and getting out for walks. Emily also loves looking at books, listening to music, playing in ball pools, outdoor play and has a swing at her family home which she enjoys very much! At school, Emily loves music therapy and also sensory therapy which helps support sensory and communication needs as Emily is non-verbal. Emily is incontinent and requires support with all of her personal care.
Emily is a very energetic little girl with specific behaviours and needs, a significant part of her daily routine involves sensory input to help manage these. Emily has a poor sleep pattern and her diet is restricted to certain foods. Emily’s care needs and behaviour can be challenging to manage, and she does not have any awareness of danger which means she requires a high level of supervision. Emily’s ideal carer is someone who is highly motivated, patient, enjoys sensory play, and can provide Emily with a warm and loving environment where she can continue to thrive.
Carers supporting Emily will be provided with a bespoke fee, dedicated support through a link worker and training and holiday leave entitlement.
For more information, get in touch with us today on 02837 564350 or email
Meet James
James is 11 years old and has a diagnosis of autism, sensory processing difficulties and ADHD. James is an active boy who is very humorous and when able to loves outings. James attends a local primary school. James lives with his mum and his brother. James loves to make people laugh and thrives on one to one attention.
James would benefit from a carer that is able to support him and can provide a high level of supervision due to his vulnerability and behaviours. Although prescribed melatonin, James has poor sleep. James has anxiety and struggles to attempt new activities but often enjoys them when he does.
James is receiving support from autism services to support him with strategies around self-regulation. James can struggle to understand boundaries and has a diagnosis of demand avoidance traits. When agitated James can become anxious and can become emotional and display behavioural issues such as aggression towards his mum and brother and towards his environment.
At school, James is on a reduced time table and presently finishes at 12pm each day. James struggled with the limited routine during the Covid-19 lockdowns and found it hard to manage while school was closed. Covid-19 has put additional stress on James and his family and this has exacerbated some of his behaviours.
James enjoys video games, particularly Fortnite and Mine Craft and would be happy to spend most of the day in his bedroom playing video games. James has a very positive relationship with his grandfather who is able to set firm boundaries, which James is able to adhere to.
James has no understanding of consequences and struggles to display empathy. James has no sense of danger and has previously attempted to leave the family home. It has been tough for James mum to remain consistent in implementing behaviour management techniques.
It is important that a carers home environment is calming for James to help him feel settled and deescalate any anxiety he may feel as he can feel anxious in social settings. Pre-pandemic James would have been engaged with various community activities however since the lockdowns have ceased James has withdrawn from these groups. James is isolated at home and spends a lot of time playing computer games. James would benefit from carers who can promote his social needs and help him build social skills.
Carers supporting James will be provided with a bespoke fee, dedicated support through a link worker and training and holiday leave entitlement.
For more information, get in touch with us today on 02837 564350 or email
Short Breaks