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Ardaveen Manor

Ardaveen Manor provides long term housing support to 11 individuals with learning disabilities in Bessbrook. The care/support and housing support is tailored to meet the needs of each tenant.  A support plan is developed in partnership with the tenant to identify the areas of care/support required to maintain their tenancy.

Staff will consult with the tenant and/or their representative in all aspects of the service provided to them within their home.  Tenants and/or their representative will be consulted in relation to any new tenant wishing to live in their home.

There are now 2 houses with 3 individuals in each and 1 house with 4 individuals in Ardaveen Manor, in single occupancy ensuite bedrooms, sharing communal areas, eg; kitchen, dining room, living room etc.

The aim of our service is to provide individuals with a learning disability with support to be an ordinary citizen of society.  Staff will support individuals to become tenants of their own homes and maintain their tenancy agreements.  These agreements sets out the responsibilities of each tenant and specifies their financial obligations in line with any ordinary tenancy (paying rent or getting housing benefit, paying household bills such as; food, electricity, oil, telephone, transport and items specified in the agreement).  Staff will support tenants to access their full entitlement to benefits and to manage their monies through opening bank accounts and budgeting for daily living.  Staff will support the tenant to have a safe and homely environment, in which a person-centred approach is promoted as a way for people with learning disabilities to explore and be supported to pursue the lives they wish to lead.  Tenants will be supported to engage in activities which are meaningful to them and be active participants in their local community as well as ensuring appropriate access to health and well- being services when required.


Ardaveen Manor

35 Ardaveen Park, Bessbrook BT35 7BX

Call us028 3083 8119

  • Description of services/ opportunities provided

    Range of services provided are;

    • Assistance with personal care as per the individual’s assessed need.
    • Support to maintain and enhance an individual’s life skills through setting agreed and realistic goals
    • Support with domestic tasks and food preparation/cooking
    • Assistance with managing money and dealing with correspondence
    • Assistance with medication
    • Support to maintain tenancy re; completing forms / liaising with DHSS/ Housing executive/ housing landlord and Trust
    • Advising individuals about safety and security in the community and their own home
    • Support with community integration and accessing local services
    • Support with neighbour disputes
    • Support to attend appointments


    Our key objectives are designed to: –

    • Engage in regular community experiences by being supported to use local resources.
    • Experience maximum choice and participation in their support arrangements by being involved in developing their support plans.
    • Receive individually tailored support programmes to enable individuals to achieve maximum control of all aspects of their lives by assessing and planning their support needs with relevant others.
    • Promotion of a person centred approach.
    • Regular consultation with tenants on the everyday service.
    • Enjoy a greater circle of informal support in their lives. This is achieved with greater participation in the community.
    • Maintain and promote individuals’ independence in all areas of their lives, in accordance with their assess needs.
  • Routes to access the service

    Following an assessment of need, where alternative accommodation is required the case manager in consultation with the service-user, their carers and the multi-disciplinary team present their case to the  Accommodation Panel. The aim is to ensure that the service-user’s needs are prioritised. When an appropriate vacancy within a supported living scheme becomes available and is offered to the service-user the case manager will support in their move to their new home.

  • Referral criteria

    The service-users’ needs to have a confirmed learning disability and be an open case to the Community Learning Disability Team, Southern Health & Social Care Trust;

    Based on the service-user’s assessment of need, there is evidence of care/support needs, and their needs can be met within a supported living scheme;

    Our supported living scheme cater for a wide range of care/support needs so it is important that the appropriate scheme is identified to meet the individual needs of the service-user;

    The service-user must be actively involved in the process and be happy with their new accommodation;

    The service-user must be eligible for housing benefit of if not agree to pay full-costs;

    The service-user/appointee must agree to pay the costs associated with a tenant living in the scheme.


  • Leaflets/Information Sheets
  • Advocacy services & contacts

    Service user Advocate is invited to each service user review.

    Sinéad Campbell

    Advocacy Team Leader

    Disability Action