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Daisy Hill Antenatal and Outpatients Department (ANOPD)

Beautiful pregnant woman visiting her doctor in hospital

In Daisy Hill, the Antenatal and Outpatients Department (ANOPD) have a number of clinics where you can be seen by a specialist doctor or midwife.

All clinics are by appointment only and will be arranged by your midwife. They will tell you the details of your appointment and why an appointment has been made.

Clinics within the department:
  • Dating Scans and Booking
  • Consultant Led Clinics
  • Early Pregnancy Clinic
  • Gynae Outpatient Clinics
  • Glucose Tolerance Tests (GTT )
  • Midwifery Led Couch (commencing Sept)
Requirements for appointments:
  • For Dating scan and booking appointment please ensure you attend with a comfortably full bladder.
  • Please bring a urine sample to all appointments
Reasons for maternity care to be transferred to Craigavon Area Hospital
  • Booking high BMI >50 or booking weight >120kgs
  • If you test positive for diabetes in pregnancy
Having a GTT:

You will be required to fast from 10pm the night before your test, nothing by mouth prior to the test.  This test takes approximately 2 ½ hours to complete, during this time you cannot leave the department.  You will only be contacted if your test is positive for diabetes in pregnancy.


Daisyhill Hospital ANOPD Reception

Call us028 3756 3024 / 028 3756 2034