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Weigh to a Health Pregnancy Team

Please note if you have a BMI >30Kg/m2  you should take 5mg of folic acid for 12 weeks pre and post conception. This is not available over the counter; you should request this from your GP.

For all women good nutrition in pregnancy and after can improve the long-term health of both mother and baby.

Weigh to a healthy pregnancy is a Public Health Agency (PHA) funded regional programme for women with a BMI higher than 38Kg/m2. It is expected and perfectly normal to gain weight during pregnancy. Weigh to a healthy pregnancy was developed to support women to manage their pregnancy weight gain safely whilst making maintainable healthy lifestyle changes.

Women who join the WTHP programme are offered a joint appointment with a specially trained midwife and a specialist dietitian. At this appointment the midwife and dietitian will work with you to create individual, achievable goals around diet and lifestyle taking into account your own experiences and expectations.

Topics covered include:

  • An introduction to the programme and team
  • Information on what to expect on your pregnancy journey
  • Physical activity in pregnancy
  • Getting to know your baby
  • Infant feeding
  • Vitamin and mineral supplements in pregnancy
  • Pregnancy nutrition
  • Information on safe weight gain in pregnancy

Physical activity in pregnancy can improve your general wellbeing and mood and help improve your stamina to cope with labour it also reduces the risk of common pregnancy ailments such as cramps and swelling. All women in the programme have access to the pelvic health physiotherapist and are offered a group zoom session during the programme. This session highlights the importance of physical activity during pregnancy and gives tips and advice on general activity and pelvic health.

As you progress through the programme the team will keep in contact with you at regular intervals and meet with you and your baby again approximately 6-10 weeks after delivery.

For further information or to speak to someone regarding the programme please contact the team directly.

Team members

  • Dietitian Rachael Hawthorne
  • Midwife Catherine Morgan
  • Physiotherapist Annette Kearney
  • Midwife Ghillian Smyth
  • Physiotherapist Paula Douglas


Weigh to a healthy pregnancy team

Call us078 3492 9132