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Waiting Times

My Waiting Times NI provides patients with average waiting time information by Health and Social Care Trust and by Specialty across Northern Ireland.

This is to support you while you wait and helps you to prepare for your hospital consultation.

This information can be viewed by anyone, which means you, your family or carer can all see the latest information.

Your waiting time will depend on the hospital service you have been referred to and your individual needs. Patients are managed and treated based on clinical priority. We will aim to see you as soon as possible, but you may have to wait a while for your appointment.

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It will be updated on the first Thursday of each month with the latest waiting time information.

You can find out more in the frequently asked questions below.

  • What happens when we receive your referral?

    A specialist will review your referral and decide the level of clinical priority and you will then be placed on a waiting list until you can been seen by the relevant clinical professional.

    On occasion, the clinician reviewing your case may decide to send you for some tests in the first instance, or may add your name directly to the waiting list for a procedure.

  • How are patients prioritised?

    Patients on the waiting list are prioritised based on their clinical symptoms and these are reviewed by a clinical professional and their urgency is determined, with the most urgent patients being seen first.

    In most cases, this will be patients suspect cancer pathways (also sometimes called red flag), then urgent patients and routine patients thereafter.  When being referred to a service, the person making the referral should tell you what category you have been referred as, although this may be changed by the person reviewing your referral in the Trust service.

  • How will I know if I am on the waiting list?

    Once a referral is received into the Trust, you will receive a text message or letter acknowledging receipt of your referral.

  • How long will I have to wait?

    It is difficult to give an exact waiting time as the waiting lists change daily and are based on clinical priority.  The average waiting times for each Health and Social Care Trust by specialty are published by the Department of Health on My Waiting Times NI  and these waiting times are updated on the first Thursday of each month.

  • How soon will I get an appointment?

    When you are at the top of the waiting list, you will be contacted to arrange an appointment which could be face to face or virtual.  For some specialties, a fixed appointment date and time will be given.

    You should also receive a letter to confirm the specialty, date, time and location of your appointment.  Patients will be booked in accordance with the Integrated Elective Access Protocol (IEAP).

  • How do I change or cancel my appointment?

    If you are unable to attend for any reason, please let us know as soon as possible.  Please telephone the number provided on your letter or contact the hospital switchboard on 028 3833 4444 and ask for the relevant booking office or service.

    If you fail to turn up for your appointment without letting us know in advance, you may be referred back to your to GP. Unfortunately there are a number of patients who fail to turn up to their appointment each month with each missed appointment estimated to cost around £250.  If you miss your slot, you are not only wasting resources but also stopping another patient from getting the opportunity to attend.


  • If my condition gets worse whilst I’m waiting, who should I contact?

    If your clinical condition changes, please notify your GP who can arranged an updated referral to the Trust.  This will be reviewed by a specialist who will decide if your clinical priority should change.

  • How do I request to be removed from the waiting list?

    Sometimes patients request to be removed from the waiting list as they have been treated elsewhere or they no longer require the appointment.  If that is the case, please telephone the number on your letter or alternatively telephone the hospital switchboard on 028 3833 4444 and ask to be put through to the relevant booking office or service.

  • Who do I contact if my personal details have changed?

    If there are any changes to your name, address or telephone number – phone telephone the number provided on your letter or The Trust switchboard on 028 3833 4444 and ask to be put through to the relevant booking office or service, and also contact your own GP Practice.

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