Sexual health services for young people aged 16-25
What is the Health Hub?
How to access the Health Hub?
Complete the registration form below to get in touch with our Nurse or Community Development worker or you can contact them via text message and What’s App on 07787432845 or Drop in times are displayed below.
The Health Hub online registration form
Drop in clinics:
Drop in clinics have resumed in all Southern Regional College Campus sites.
Alternatively message or What’s App us on 07787432845 or
9.30am - 11.30am | 12.30pm - 3.30pm | |
Monday | Newry West SRC | Greenbank SRC - 3 and 24 Feb, 10 and 31 Mar |
Monday | Model SRC - 27 Jan, 17 Feb and 3 and 24 Mar | |
Tuesday | Dungannon SWC | Portadown SRC - 28 Jan, 18 Feb, 4 and 18 March |
Tuesday | Lurgan SRC - 4 and 25 Feb, 11 and 25 Mar | |
Wednesday | Armagh SRC | Banbridge SRC |
What can I get help with?
The Health Hub is a free, confidential service for all young people under the age of 25. Help and support is available for:
- STI testing and treatment
- Home testing SH:24– The Trust is participating in a regional pilot project with SH24 to provide home testing kits to anyone who does not have symptoms but would still like to have a sexual health check. This service is open to everyone across Northern Ireland. Test kits can be ordered directly and posted to your home here
SH:24 Free Home STI STD Test | Sexual & Reproductive Health
- Contraception including Emergency Hormonal Contraception (morning after pill)
- Pregnancy testing and onward support/advice
- Postal condoms (C Card)
- Support and signposting for mental health and emotional wellbeing
- Smoking cessation, alcohol and drugs support
What happens at the Health Hub?
Well that depends really on you! You can speak to a Nurse or Community Development worker and they will ask you a couple of questions about why you have attended. If you need advice and support, they will signpost you to the correct professionals or agency.
You can attend a nurse led clinic – if you have attended in relation to your sexual health, the nurse will ask you questions specific to that and complete a sexual health assessment which includes questions about if you are having sex? Who with? Sexual practices? Use of condoms? This will help to ensure you are safe and receive the right support and treatment.
You will be asked for your name, date of birth and two methods of contact (this is so if you have a test we can contact you with your results).
Other Sexual Health services available
GUM clinic – Appointments can be booked by calling 028 37562080
Prep Clinic – To access this clinic, you must first be assessed in the GUM clinic. If you meet the criteria, you will be referred to this clinic for access to the HIV prevention drug PrEP and subsequent
Contraceptive service – Appointments can be booked by calling
028 37562200 or -
Is it confidential?
Yes, unless you have shared something that indicates you are at risk or someone else is. In this case the nurse would talk to you about their concerns and work with you to protect yourself and others. Your parents will not be informed that you have attended the Health Hub. Your GP will not be told either unless you give permission for a letter to be sent to your them.
What age can I have sex?
The age of consent in Northern Ireland is 16. This is the same whether you want to have sex with someone of the same or opposite sex.
Any sexual contact with someone without their consent is illegal.
Where can I get free condoms?
You can get FREE condoms at The Health Hub. Free condoms are also available from the Contraceptive Service CLICK HERE, GUM clinics CLICK HERE and through the C-card scheme available through the Youth Engagement Service at the Magnet YES Newry Magnet Centre – Professional service – Newry – 4,984 photos and at FutureProof of YES: Banbridge Youth Engagement Service – Home | Facebook
Where can I get free EMC (morning after pill)?
If you’ve had sex without contraception, or the contraception has failed, emergency contraception reduces the chances of getting pregnant.
There are two choices of oral EHC available. Ella-One can be taken up to 5 days after unprotected sex. Levonelle can be taken up to 3 days after unprotected sex. The sooner after sex and the earlier in your cycle it is taken the more effective it is i.e. before ovulation. Emergency contraception is available from the Contraceptive Service, Health Hub, GUM, GP, Out of Hours, and Pharmacy (available to purchase).
You can also get an IUD/copper coil fitted. It is the most effective form of emergency contraception. It must be fitted by a healthcare professional within five days of having unprotected sex, or, if it’s possible to estimate when you ovulate, up to five days after you ovulate. Emergency IUDs can be accessed from the Contraceptive Service (Mon-Wed & Fri).
Why should I get tested for STIs?
It’s important to get tested because anyone can have an STI, even if you have had sex just once. The most common STIs don’t have any symptoms so you could have one and not even know about it. Untreated STIs can have serious long term consequences for both men and women.
If you are having sex, its important to get tested at least once a year of before you have sex with a new partner to find out if you have an STI and to get it treated. This will stop you passing it on to other partners.
It’s really easy to get tested (urine sample for males and a self taken swab for females and/or a blood test) and, if you have an STI most can be easily treated with some antibiotics. If you’re unsure, or need some advice contact the Health Hub and speak to our Nurse.
What other support does the Health Hub offer?
The Health Hub offers support, advice and signposting on a range of health and wellbeing issues including:
- Physical health, diet & exercise
- Emotional support and advice
- Stop smoking
- Drugs and alcohol support
The Pink Present is a local period poverty initiative that makes period products available to young people. It simply ensures that no young person misses out on their education because they have their period and cannot afford period products.