Walk this May!

MAY is National Walking Month and we would like to encourage everyone, to walk more, whether it’s through active travel, short walks or walking more in the office, strut your socially distanced stuff and get out there. Walking has huge benefits to health and walking in greenspace and parks is even better.
Join in with #WalkThisMay, send us your pictures through the hashtag #teamSHSCT & #WalkThisMay or email to physical.activity@southerntrust.co.uk
Read more here
Creating Hope Through Action
Walk & Talk: steps to wellbeing
Mental Health Awareness Week | Monday 13 May – Sunday 19 May 2024
This year’s campaign has been developed by the six Health and Social Care Trusts in partnership with the Public Health Agency to help raise awareness and promote ideas to support better mental health and wellbeing within our communities.
Further information and resources is hosted on www.mindingyourhead.info
The Promoting Wellbeing Division can provide access to a range of health promotion posters and leaflets.
To request Promoting Wellbeing resources, please complete the form below or contact us with queries at pwb.resources@southerntrust.hscni.net