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Arts for Health


Throughout Trust facilities, the arts are used to enhance our working environments and improve the experience of patients, visitors and staff.  Evidence confirms that the arts should be “integral to health, healthcare provision and healthcare environments” to support health and wellbeing (DoH, 2007).

The Southern Trust is currently developing an Arts for Health Strategy. This will outline our strategic direction for all Arts for Health Work within the Trust.

The principal areas of work will include:

  • improving trust facilities and environment using visual arts
  • integrating art into new buildings across the Trust
  • providing opportunities for patients and staff to participate in the arts
    developing and managing a programme of arts events for patients, staff, visitors and the wider community.

Exhibitions of art work produced by patients and clients take place throughout the year and pieces are displayed in Trust facilities.

We plan to establish more opportunities for staff to engage in the arts as part of their health and wellbeing this may include such areas as photography, painting groups as well as book clubs.


Southern Trust Choir

Arts and Health Resources



The Southern Trust Arts for Health is led by: Gerard Rocks, Acting Assistant Director for Older People and Primary Care and supported by Nina Daly, Workplace Health Improvement Lead.

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