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Children with Disabilities

Children with Disability services are made up of  wide range of professionals which range from Social work, Nursing and a wide range of AHP professionals including Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy.

We work in partnership with children / young people and their families, and with a range of other professionals and agencies, to make a positive difference to the lives of disabled children and their families. We will complete an assessment of need for all appropriate referrals by talking to you and your child. This will help establish what support you and your family may require, and services may then be offered to help meet these needs.

Click on each of the links below for more information:

The SHSCT pre-school child development service offers an early intervention, child-centred, holistic service to babies and children with complex and significant needs from birth to starting primary school.

The Children’s Occupational Therapy Service offers a child and family-centred approach to support children and young people whose disability or illness impacts on their ability to function independently in all aspects of daily living.

Speech and Language therapists work with children and young people, supporting those with speech, language and communication needs, as well as feeding and swallowing difficulties.

Useful links

Downs Syndrome


Cedar Foundation

Centre for Independent Living NI


Website links activity ideas for home

Yoga (with links)

Useful resources

CYPR resource pack

How to sleep well – nursery

Your Sleep routine symbols

Visual timetable bedtime routine

Extra Educational Resources 

Autism NI Anxiety Resource pack