9th May 2023

As May is National Stroke Awareness month, the dedicated team of 2 South Stroke in Craigavon Area Hospital have decided to run a series of awareness and fundraising events throughout the month.
2 South Stroke multidisciplinary team are an exceptionally hard working team and work tirelessly to deliver high quality, safe and person-centred care, to the many people who suffer from Strokes and TIAs within NI.
Hannah Thompson, 2 South Staff Nurse, said that colleagues from across the stroke service are committed to provide the best possible care for their patients who have been affected by stroke.
“As a team, we want to raise awareness of the FAST campaign, patient and carer journeys, the recovery process, rehabilitation services and the many charitable organisations that offer physical, emotional and financial support after a patient’s discharge from the hospital setting.
“Stroke care is constantly progressing, we want people to understand how important it is to be aware of the signs and symptoms of a stroke or TIA onset, how to respond and where to access care to best ensure the detrimental impact of suffering a stroke is minimised. Every minute a stroke goes untreated can lead to the death of 1.9 million brain cells.
“Over May we will be hosting information days on Tuesday 9th, 16th and 23rd of May in Craigavon Area Hospital between 10am and 3pm, in conjunction with the Stroke Association, Northern Ireland Chest Heart and Stroke and Nutricia and Dysphagia Support Team. There will also be a number of fundraising events to include a Bun Sale & BP check on 9th May, Tesco Collection on 13th May, skydive on 19th May, Mourne Walk on 21st May and quiz and curry night on 29th October, which is Stroke Awareness Day.
“The Stroke Team is really excited to be taking part in Stroke Awareness Month. We hope we can raise lots of money for charity and in the process educate the public about the care and support available to post-stroke patients and their families. All money raised will be used to boost the care and services provided to patients and families suffering from a stroke receiving care in 2 South Stroke, and in aid of Northern Ireland Chest Heart and Stroke and Stroke Association.”
Anyone looking to find out more information can email strokeawarenessevent@gmail.com
Stroke is a medical emergency. The FAST test can help you recognise the most common signs.
- Facial weakness: Can the person smile? Has their mouth or eye drooped?
- Arm weakness: Can the person raise both arms?
- Speech problems: Can the person speak clearly and understand what you say?
- Time to call 999: if you see any of these signs.
Make sure you and your loved ones all know the FAST test.