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Meet our volunteers this Positive Ageing Month

1st October 2024

October is Positive Ageing Month, a month-long festival of events and activities for older people. It celebrates the contribution that older people make to their local communities.

We really value the contribution our mature volunteers make to improve the services we offer to patients and service users.

Meet some of our volunteers.

Meet Gilbert Grierson, a Meal Time Support Volunteer in Loane House, South Tyrone Hospital. We asked Gilbert why he chose to volunteer with SHSCT.

“Once I passed that line in the sand called “retirement” I have a bit more time on my hands, and thankfully, the health and strength to spend it!

“It’s great to mix with other people and be able to spend time with them, listen to their stories and being more “mature” (hopefully), be able to empathize with them. And sometimes, be able to do/say something that encourages them. Some older people have lots of life experiences to share.

“That makes the time spent as a volunteer to be used positively. That’s how I see it!” 


Meet Cathy McAdam, one of our FIT4U Volunteers.  Cathy has been volunteering with SHSCT for several years now.  We asked Cathy why she still continues to volunteer.

“By volunteering I have been able to carry on with my interest and passion for helping people with disabilities.  I love the FIT4U sessions every week and it is great to see the participants getting so much out of it, as do I.  I have always been made feel very much welcome and part of the team. I really appreciate having the opportunity to give my years of experience in the disability field back to others”.


Meet Monica Kierans, a Meet and Greet Volunteer in Mullinure Day Unit. We asked Monica  why she chose to volunteer with SHSCT.

“I feel I am contributing in a small way to the wellbeing of patients attending the hospital.  I feel valued by the management and other staff members for my volunteering role.  Volunteering allows me to feel integrated into society and not just seen as a retired person! Volunteering really adds some structure to my week and helps improve my overall wellbeing”.


Meet Eileen Wright, a Here to Help Volunteer in CAH. We asked Eileen  why she chose to volunteer with SHSCT.

“I have been a volunteer at CAH for over 10 years. I love people and being able to help them at a time of need is cathartic. A smile and a few words goes a long way.
From a personal perspective it is good at this stage of life to still feel useful!!  I would encourage anyone who can to volunteer to help our health service, on which we all depend, to survive”



If you would like to discuss the various volunteering opportunities available please contact 

or visit our website HERE