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Act of Remembrance

22nd October 2020

The Southern Health and Social Care Trust is inviting the wider community to join us as we remember everyone who has died before, or during, this pandemic.

As we cannot come together in person, a short time of reflection will be posted on the Trust’s social media site (Facebook and Twitter @SouthernHSCT and Instagram @southern_hsct)  at 7pm on 2nd November 2020.  We invite you to link to this act of remembrance when we will remember the babies, children, young people, adults and colleagues who have died.

Sharon McCloskey, Bereavement Co-ordinator for the Southern Trust explains:

“What gives us meaning in life is our relationship with others. When a person dies the relationship changes, but does not end. Remembering is an important aspect of grieving and while we can’t hold our annual services, we hope this gentle space will provide an opportunity for us to collectively reflect on those who were so important in their lives.”

We warmly invite families, friends and colleagues to join us.

Our ‘Remembrance Trees’ will be central to this service. If you would like the name of your loved one written on a leaf and hung on the tree, please contact Sharon McCloskey, Bereavement Co-ordinator on 028 37 560085 or email

The trees will be placed in our Quiet Room in Daisy Hill Hospital for the month of November. We also encourage you to connect with us by lighting a candle in memory of your loved one wherever you are and as an act of solidarity with bereaved people whose grief has been impacted by the pandemic.


BEREAVEMENT HELPLINE: (028) 3756 7990 

(Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm)