24th April 2023

We were delighted to meet with colleagues from various care providers at a recent Mental Capacity Act (2016) NI workshop held in the Canal Court, Newry. This was a joint regional workshop facilitated by RQIA, DOH and SHSCT with the aim of recognising the key role our colleagues across all care sectors play in implementing MCA.
The workshop was attended by a wide representation of staff to include Trust, RQIA, DOH and Independent Care Providers from Care Homes, Supported Living, Day Care settings and Domiciliary Care services from across the region. This provided opportunity for shared experiences, expectations and responsibilities from all the main key stakeholders involved in providing safe and quality care to those individuals who require the safeguards that a Deprivation of Liberty (DoL) Authorisation provides.
Having such varied expert participation created a unique environment for open discussion around the implementation of MCA, expectations and practical advice and guidance going forward.

The legislation sets out a number of safeguards, key principles and criteria to ensure people aged 16 years and above who lack capacity to make decisions for themselves, are only deprived of their liberty in “accordance with a procedure prescribed by law” (Art 5, ECHR).
This not only ensures individuals Human Rights are upheld but also offers protection from liability for staff enacting a DoL.
For more information around the MCA can be accessed HERE
You can also contact; Tessa.murphy@southerntrust.hscni.net for more information.