1st June 2023

The renal unit at Daisy Hill Hospital has welcomed past staff and some of its first patients to celebrate 25 years of service.
The Trustwide renal service treats patients with kidney disease from Armagh, Dungannon, Craigavon, Banbridge, Newry, Mourne and some border areas of the Republic of Ireland.
They have been ranked top in the UK Renal Registry and amongst the best in the UK for patient experience and quality of care. Most recently, Daisy Hill is the first hospital in Ireland to take part in a night time dialysis clinical trial aimed at improving the quality of life for adults with kidney disease.
Around 90 people currently attend the renal unit for dialysis, a lifesaving treatment for those living with kidney failure.
The unit first opened its doors in 1998 with just six dialysis stations and 24 patients. Over the years, the team have continually developed their services in line with best practice and to give the patients the very best outcomes.
The modern unit now has 26 haemodialysis stations with 40 machines. The team of specialist nurses, doctors, pharmacists, podiatrists, social workers, dietitians, technicians, health care assistants and administrative staff also support patients who have chosen a home therapy treatment and those attending renal outpatient clinics.
Southern Trust Chair, Eileen Mullan who following years of chronic kidney disease, has benefitted from a living donor transplant from her brother, congratulated the team on their 25th birthday:
“Our renal team is very well regarded for the high quality care they provide and dedication to patients and families. They work closely with colleagues across Northern Ireland to offer a dynamic, patient centred service, have a consistently high performance and regularly share best practice throughout the UK.
“With patients attending the unit three times a week for dialysis there is such a lovely home from home atmosphere and great relationships between staff and patients alike. The team have gone above and beyond, supporting fundraising, transplant games and very importantly raising awareness of organ donation.
“I would like to pay tribute to such a fantastic compassionate team, who have continually strived to improve the quality of life they offer people with kidney disease living in the Southern area and wish them every continued success for the future.”
To find out more about organ donation: www.organdonationni.info
The renal team would like to thank the Corn Dolly Bakery for donating a lovely cake for their celebrations!