8th June 2023

On International Home Birth Day (Tuesday 6 June), the Southern Health and Social Care Trust highlighted the work of its dedicated ‘Birth at Home’ service.
The service is delivered by midwives who specialise in caring for women who choose to give birth at home.
Over 100 people including mums, babies, families, midwives and obstetric colleagues came together to share their experiences at a celebration event held by the Trust.
‘Birth at Home’ was set up in November 2021 to support women who opt to have their baby in their own surroundings. Since then, the dedicated birth at home midwives have worked with community colleagues to birth 56 babies at home with more planned in the coming months.
Paula Murray, Birth at Home, Lead said:
“It’s really important that we take every opportunity to celebrate homebirths and the benefits that they can bring as it is so important that women have a choice regarding their place of birth.
Our celebratory event was a great chance for women who have been cared for by the Birth at Home Team to get together and share their experiences. We are delighted that so many mums and families attended the event to celebrate our achievements. The service is continuing to flourish and to date, we have 36 requests for the remainder of 2023 and growing!”
Feedback from mums who have chosen to a homebirth include:
“I cannot thank your team enough for the support, care and guidance since I changed to the care of the Birth at Home team; our time together was short but your absolutely amazing work and true kindness will stay with my family forever.” (L.L.)
“Thank you to your amazing team of wonderful midwives for all the care we received during pregnancy, labour and after the birth…to where we could thrive and flourish as a family, we are beyond grateful for that and are so glad that you are part of our story.” (C.C.)
Caroline Keown, Assistant Director for Integrated Maternity and Women’s added:
Birth at Home is an excellent addition to our maternity services in the Southern Trust and I am delighted to hear how the service has offered a much broader range of options for women, depending on their clinical need.”