18th November 2021

A total of £7870 has been handed over at the Mandeville Unit by the McGeough family in memory of former patient Harry McGeough.
The McGeough family, from Armagh, ran two fundraising events to mark the 1st anniversary of Harryʼs passing.
On 11 September, Harryʼs family and grandchildren climbed Slieve Donard and on 1st October, a golf tournament, aptly named, “Harrys Day”, was held which the family hope to run annually in County Armagh Golf Club.
Between the 2 events a total of £7870 was raised and donated to the Southern Trust Acute Services Fund.
The family would like to thank everyone who very kindly donated & sponsored the events. A huge well do to all those involved in organising the events.
Pictured are Harry’s wife Brenda McGeough, daughters’ Lisa Campbell and Carol Robinson, Harry’s sister Nuala Kelly and sister-in-law Patricia Gamble, Therese Brooks (Staff Nurse) and Amy Ward (Acting Clinical Sister).