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Courtyard Cabin reopened in Craigavon Area Hospital

17th June 2024

A place for patients, staff or volunteers to go and have some time away from the hustle and bustle of hospital life has reopened in Craigavon Area Hospital.

The Courtyard Cabin was opened in 2019 in a courtyard in the centre of the hospital surrounded by trees and plants and outdoor seating but had to close due to COVID-19 and infection prevention control.

During its reopening last week, staff and service users heard that the Courtyard cabin was inspired by the Camerados international movement, which aims to create social environments that enable human connections by creating spaces for people to be alongside as equals and look out for each other. This courtyard cabin provides a ‘Human Hospital’ space offering patients, staff, relatives and volunteers a unique and supportive area to come together in a busy and often stressful hospital environment.

Mairéad Casey, Patient and Client Experience Facilitator, said: “This is a fabulous social space for our patients and staff to get out of the hospital and ward environment, support each other and enjoy the open air, garden and spaces that are available. Visitors to the space had previously told stories of finding a moment of calm. One such patient stated ‘Coming in here, I smelt the pine and sat on the beautiful benches and chair and it transported me to a happy place for a few precious minutes’.”

Grace Hamilton, Assistant Director of Nursing Patient Safety, Quality and Experience, said: “It is clear that this project has not come about on its own, there has been a lot of partnership working to get it initially established and reopened. Thank you to Camerados for their continued support, our community and voluntary groups who are committed to supporting us in maintaining this project (Portadown Wellness Centre – Benches and planters, Drumbeg Men’s Shed – Birdboxes and smaller sign, Action Mental Health at Tannaghmore – large ground level sign, Ozanam Men’s Shed – planters and thatched cottage) and our Day Opportunities staff and service users who replanted the planters and the seating area.

“To the Project Team which included estates – special mention to Chris -, service users, Patient Client Experience, Promoting Wellbeing, Communications, Support Services, Fire Safety etc all who came together with the one aim of making this area a special area for our patients, staff, carers and service users once again.

“We are positive that this facility will add to the patient experience and help them on their road to recovery.”

The Courtyard Cabin will be open Monday to Sunday 9am – 5.30pm. It is situated in a courtyard beside the MRI corridor on the ground floor of the hospital.