12th October 2021

CRADLE support women, partners and families affected by pregnancy loss before the 24th week of pregnancy. They provide a range of resources including CRADLE comfort bags of toiletries and outpatient and antenatal appointment packs to reflect the physical needs of women during their experience of pregnancy loss.
The leaflets and support cards inside of the comfort bags and packs, signpost women to CRADLE peer support services.
Shivaun McKinley, Bereavement Support Midwife and CRADLE Ambassador said: “Bereaved parents can often feel isolated and alone and find the experience difficult to talk about with friends and family. The support networks within CRADLE, gives our families the opportunity to talk about their pregnancy and their grief in a safe and supportive space.
“A big thank you to our volunteer CRADLE Ambassador, Margaret O’Hanlon for her support in setting up this venture. CRADLE also wishes to thank all of the businesses, retailers and community who have donated their time, funds and toiletries to make this service possible.”
Wendy Clarke, Head of Midwifery and Interim Assistant Director for Integrated Maternity and Women’s Health added: “We would like to thank the CRADLE team for bringing this important service to the Southern Trust.
“We do everything we can to support parents when they have the devastating experience of losing a baby and the launch of CRADLE means we can further support families who’ve experienced pregnancy complications and baby loss.”
For more information on CRADLE www.cradlecharity.org or contact louise@cradlecharity.org
Pictured with the CRADLE comfort bags are Oonagh King Bereavement Support Midwife, Dr Aoife Currie Clinical Director, Rosie Heasley Gynae Ward Sister, Wendy Clarke, Head of Midwifery and Interim Assistant Director of Integrated Maternity and Women’s Health and Shivaun McKinley, Bereavement Support Midwife.