29th November 2021

The Dungannon Integrated Care Team has moved into a new home at ‘Daffodil Cottage’ on the South Tyrone Hospital site.
There are seven integrated care teams across the Southern Trust, made up of District Nurses, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Social Workers, Support and Administration staff, all offering care and support to patients in their own homes.
Daffodil Cottage is a new build beside the existing Integrated Care Team Building, known as the ‘Old Doctors Residence’ which along with two nursing flats, has also been refurbished to accommodate the expanding team.
It includes a Clinical Room and Utility Room which gives those patients who can travel, the option of an appointment at their own convenience rather than waiting on a home visit for treatments like intravenous antibiotics, removal of cytotoxic infusion bottles, flushing and redressing of central venous access devices.
The new facility also lends itself to staff training and means that the team can offer more services at weekends.
The name Daffodil Cottage was suggested by staff as a tribute to those who had died in the former workhouse on the South Tyrone Hospital site. The Daffodils which are a sign of forgiveness and memory were inspired by a painting by local artist Jim McKee whose grandmother stayed in Cookstown workhouse as a child. Local historian Eoin Boyle has captured a snapshot of the history of the workhouse, which reflects the meaning of the painting – both are displayed in the waiting area for staff and patients to see.
Wishing the team well in their new premises, Brian Beattie, Interim Director of Older People and Primary Care for the Southern Trust said:
“Our Integrated Care Teams play a vital role in preventing hospital admissions by supporting people with sometimes very complex needs to remain in their own homes. They are also hugely valuable in helping many of those who are medically fit for discharge, to return to their own homes from hospital.
“As our hospitals are increasingly busy, it has never been more important to support community services, such as our Integrated Care Teams to develop and expand their services.
“This has been a very exciting opportunity for this highly skilled team of professionals who are absolutely dedicated to improving the services they offer to local people.”