14th June 2022

To mark World Elder Abuse Day (Wednesday 15th June), the Southern Local Adult Safeguarding Partnership is declaring zero tolerance of abuse and neglect of older people in our local community through a social media campaign. The partnership would like to encourage you to share the WEAAD poster (linked below) on your social media platforms to show your support and raise awareness to stop abuse of adults at risk of harm.
The partnership is a group of statutory, independent, community and voluntary sector organisations who work together to raise awareness and support all adults who have experienced abuse, exploitation or neglect.
Due to continued social distancing, partner organisations each have remotely made a commitment, by signing the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse Declaration.
Deborah Hanlon, Chair of Southern LASP said “Southern Health and Social Care Trust and other partner organisations have restated their continuous commitment to zero tolerance to abuse of adults within our community by signing the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse Declaration. These declarations will be recorded as part of the global campaign by the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse”.
The partnership would like to encourage you to download the poster (available below) and consider how you as an individual or as an organisation can make a difference to raise awareness, stand against abuse, neglect and exploitation and do your part to STOP abuse of all adults.
Adult abuse can take various forms – it could be neglect, physical, sexual, emotional or financial. It can happen anywhere the person lives or visits and very often the abuser will be well known to their victim.
The Southern Trust Adult Protection Team is available for advice and support:
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm Tel: 028 3756 4423
Evenings, Weekends and Bank Holidays Tel: 028 9504 9999
Click here to download the poster
Email: adultsafeguard.team@southerntrust.hscni.net