7th February 2020

The family of the late Brendan Turley have donated over £200 worth of gifts to Gillis Memory Centre to aid patients comfort during their stay.
The gifts included 12 tactile cushions and 14 throws, to provide sensory stimulation as well as comfort for the patients. They included a lot of personal items for the men and women on the ward such as socks and tights.
Katrina Lavery, Dementia Activity Worker said: “The patients are already enjoying the snuggling effect with these thoughtful gifts and we would like to thank the family for thinking of us and for their kind donation during their sad loss.”
The Gillis Memory Centre, based in Mullinure Health and Wellbeing Centre at St Luke’s Hospital, is a 24 bedded acute admission ward for people who have a diagnosis of dementia or who are being assessed because they are presenting with dementia like symptoms e.g. memory impairment, confusion.