9th February 2023

Parents, carers and health professionals are being invited to an information event which aims to address feeding challenges with babies and children.
The event, organised by the Southern Health and Social Care Trust Paediatric Feeding Service (PFS), aims to provide information and support to families.
This event will include talks from a range of specialists including Paediatric Gastroenterologist, Ear, Nose and Throat specialist with expertise in tongue tie, Neonatal specialists and Clinical Psychologist.
There will also be some workshops and a variety of information stands covering a wide range of services who support our children and young people, along with their families and carers.
Parents will also share their personal stories on how eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties have impacted on their families.
The PFS is made up of a multidisciplinary team including paediatricians, dietitians and speech and language therapists.
Dr. Sarinda Millar, Lead Paediatrician said:
“Feeding difficulties affect many children at some point in their lives. These can range from minor, transient issues to more challenging and complex issues and can have a huge impact on family functioning.
“Eating and drinking are part of our daily lives so when there are problems the effect on physical, social, emotional and mental wellbeing of affected children and their wider family circles cannot be underestimated.
“Recognising the complexities of these difficulties, we in the PFS wanted to host this event to help parents, carers and professionals involved with children with feeding difficulties to understand some of the issues and to empower them with some of the knowledge and information to help manage these problems.”
Colm McCaffrey, Director for Children and Young People, said:
“Good nutrition is important for growth and development and giving your baby the best start in life therefore it is understandable that many parents can find it stressful if their child has feeding challenges.
“We hope that that this event will reassure them that they are not alone and to know that there is help and support available to ensure that their child can get the nourishment they need.”
To attend the event, which takes place on 30 March between 9.15am and 3.15pm in Seagoe Parish Centre, Portadown, please email paediatricfeedingevent@southerntrust.hscni.net Please note numbers will be limited.
Staff from the Paediatric Feeding Service (PFS) team including Dr Laura McKibbin (Speciality Doctor Paediatrician), Orlagh Smyth (Children’s Dietitian) and Orla McErlean (Speech and Language Therapist) are delighted to host an information event on Thursday 30 March in the Seagoe Parish Centre, Portadown, where parents, carers and health professionals can find out more about helping children with feeding difficulties develop their eating and drinking skills to their full potential.