26th April 2021

A family has donated tablet devices to the Trust’s Virtual Visiting Service after they saw first-hand how vital the service is in being able to connect with a loved one in hospital.
The family of the late Adeline McKeown had asked for donations in lieu of flowers to be made to purchase tablet devices for the Southern Trust to facilitate virtual visiting.
The McKeown family had availed of the service when Adeline was in hospital and visiting to hospitals was restricted due to COVID-19.
Darren McKeown said that it was thanks to the Virtual Visiting Service that they got to spend those last moments with their mum until she passed away.
Dr Neal Morgan (Renal Consultant and Virtual Visiting Lead) thanked the McKeown family and those who contributed to such a kind and much appreciated donation.
Dr Morgan added: “We are enormously grateful for the additional tablets that has been purchased in memory of Adeline and that the family has provided the service with.
Relatives wishing to avail of this service should call our Virtual Visiting co-ordinator between 9am and 5pm on 077 7651 6419.