1st May 2024

The Southern Health and Social Care Trust’s Autism Service, in partnership with the parent group ‘Acorns for Autism’, hosted their Family Formal recently.
Always an exciting event in the Autism Service calendar, 155 young people and their families, staff and Community Partners were delighted to come together at the Formal held at the Armagh City Hotel.
Some of the young people showcased their musical talent and two new Interactive Booklets, ‘Autism Assessment Journey’ and ‘Autism Intervention’ were launched.
These Interactive Booklets have been designed for families to ensure valuable information is readily available. Autism Service would like to thank those parents/carers who provided comments/feedback on the Interactive Booklets prior to the official launch.
For further information on SHSCT Autism Services call 028 3756 6777 or email: autism.services@southerntrust.hscni.net
The interactive booklets can be viewed here: