27th April 2021

Catherine Sheeran, Head of Service for Acute Care at Home and Intermediate Care, presented this week at the World Hospital at Home Congress.
This was the second World Hospital at Home Congress and the second time the Trust has been invited to showcase the success of our service on a global stage.
The virtual congress allowed healthcare providers to globally collaborate, share knowledge and best practice.
Catherine spoke to health and social care professionals from across the world about how the Southern Trust Acute Care at Home team responded to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The service provided assessment and treatment for older people, both COVID positive and negative, in their own homes and care homes throughout the pandemic while offering much valued support to the care home sector and GP community.
Research Presentations
The Acute Care at Home Team also were selected to present on five research projects at the congress.
Redeployed medial students have assisted the team with a number of studies.
They presented on:
• The Southern Trust Acute Care at Home Response to Covid 19 (Dr Ann McCann, Dr Patricia McCaffrey, Dr Gail Nicholson, Dr Bushra Khan, Fiachra Keenan and Peter Beck, medical students)
• Parententeral Treatments in our Acute Care at Home Team and How we responded to the Covid 19 pandemic : ( Elaine Nelson, Consultant, Des Gourley Pharmacy Lead, Yvonne Murphy Team Manager )
• The Southern Trust Acute Care at Home: National Early Warning Scores during the Covid 19 Pandemic and its effect on Length of Stay and Mortality (Dr Elaine Nelson, Dr Catherine Fegan, Dr Bushra Khan, Johnathan Warnock and Margaret Rice, medical students )
• Advance Care Planning in Acute Care at Home during Covid 19 Pandemic (Dr Gail Nicholson, Dr Anne McCann, Dr Bushra Khan, Emma Warnock and Kate Allen, medical students)
• Use of a Structured Medication Review to Optimise Medications and Reduce Polypharmacy in Elderly Patients in their Own Homes. (Hannah Hazelton, pharmacist and Des Gourley, Lead Pharmacist)