23rd March 2023

New mums can discuss any concerns they have about breastfeeding with peer mums who can support them on their breastfeeding journey.
The Southern Health and Social Care Trust’s latest cohort of Breastfeeding Peer Support Workers have recently completed their eight week Breastfeeding Management & Relationship Building programme and are now ready to take on referrals for new mums in the local area.
Breastfeeding Peer support volunteers are local mums who have breastfed their own children and who, with specialised training encourage and support other new mums.
New mums, with consent can be linked with a Peer mum as soon as leaving hospital and they can call them for support or advice over the phone or if necessary, they can organise to meet.
By sharing their own skills and experiences, Peer mums can help Breastfeeding mothers to overcome many problems with breastfeeding and encourage them to discuss any concerns they may have. Breastfeeding Peer Support alongside health professionals and support groups is evidenced as the effective way to support mothers to continue breastfeeding.
The training programme is delivered by Breastfeeding Leads in partnership with the SHSCT volunteer service.
Another information evening will be held at the end of April with the aim of recruiting the next cohort of Breastfeeding Peer Support Volunteers. Details of the information evening will follow soon.