10th February 2020

The Southern Trust and RoSPA have teamed up to help prevent falls in older people. The ‘Stay Steady’ classes focus on strengthening your legs to make day-to-day life easier and improve mobility. The classes feature simple activities and exercise techniques that help improve balance and reduce the risk of falling. They are running in local leisure centres including Armagh, Dungannon, Newry and Portadown
The Trust has been piloting an extension to the classes into rural areas including South Armagh, Kilkeel and Warrenpoint. Lurgan Neighbourhood Renewal Area also has a weekly class and it is hoped that the pilot will continue and expand to cover other areas across the Trust.
“As we get older, our muscle strength and balance reduces and this can affect our ability to stay steady on our feet, making falls more likely. Serious injuries as a result of falls can then then lead to hospitalisation and a loss of independence,” explained Gerard Rocks, Assistant Director for Promoting Wellbeing in the Southern Trust.
“Exercises designed to improve muscle strength can reduce your risk of a fall by improving your posture, coordination and balance.”
To register or to get further information on a class near you, contact the Southern Trust Falls Coordinator, Joanne McElmeel on 028 3756 4909 or by email on Falls.Coordinator@southerntrust.hscni.net or Community Health Improvement Officer Lisa McAliskey on 028 3756 3952.