26th May 2021

Huge thanks to the Southern Trust’s District Nursing Team who in addition to their usual workload, have been working hard to give housebound patients their Covid-19 vaccinations.
Since the housebound vaccination programme began on 30th January – the team have administered over 3,000 vaccinations.
There are 59 District Nursing Sisters working across seven Integrated Care Teams managing the rollout of this programme. Each sister has a team of community nurses who are delivering the vaccination to patients in their own homes.
Commending the team, Brian Beattie Interim Director of Older People and Primary Care for the Southern Health and Social Care Trust said:
“The roll out of the Covid-19 vaccination programme to housebound patients shows in practice, the important role that our District Nursing service has in addressing public health issues and delivering care to people in their own homes.
“Our District Nursing teams have worked weekend and evening shifts, right across the entire geography of the Southern Trust, bringing the vaccination to those who cannot travel to a centre, their GP or community pharmacy.
“Tribute must also be paid to the dedication of our Administrative colleagues, for the efficient booking of patients within the recommended timeframes and co-ordinating the daily data returns.
“The achievement by this team in such a short timeframe, is impressive and their willingness to go the extra mile for these vulnerable patients, is a testament to the amazing District Nursing workforce we have in the Southern Trust.”