29th November 2019

Both Unison and RCN have advised industrial action will take place in the Southern Trust week commencing 2 December.
We will do everything we can to mitigate disruption, however it is inevitable that some services will be impacted. We apologise in advance to anyone affected.
We do not anticipate that any patient appointments will be cancelled, however if the industrial action continues, Trust staff will make direct contact with patients and clients whose service or appointment may be impacted, including transport to day centres.
If you do not hear from us it means that your service or appointment is going ahead as planned.
Details of Industrial Action:
RCN has advised their members to take a number of actions short of strike on Tuesday 3 December. In addition to actions short of strike week commencing 2 December 2019, Unison will be calling its members to take strike action as follows:-
- Tuesday 3 Dec 12noon – 4pm
Craigavon Hospital – Laundry
- Wed 4 Dec 8am – 12 noon
Various Trust sites – Transport
St Luke’s Armagh and South Tyrone Hospital – Porters
Daisyhill Hospital – Porters