9th May 2023

Carers and other key stakeholders from across the Southern Trust have attended a series of co-production workshops to contribute to the development of a strategy for meeting the needs of family carers of those with a learning disability.
The workshops were facilitated by a research team from the University of Ulster at Jordanstown.
Prior to these workshops, the UUJ research team, on behalf of the Trust, hosted seven carer focus groups and carried out a postal and online survey with family carers.
The findings from these alongside the feedback from the workshops is to be used to develop a strategic plan for the Southern Trust to meet the needs of family carers.
Roisin O’Hare, Southern Trust Interim Assistant Director Disability Services, said:
“We were delighted that family carers and members from the statutory, voluntary and community sectors alongside colleagues from our own Trust, Department of Health and the local councils, attended our workshops so we could hear their views on the way forward.
“People with learning disabilities are now living longer and most are living with family carers. This caring role can be demanding on carers and can impact both physically and emotionally on family carers.
“In the Southern Trust we are committed to supporting family carers and we are delighted that our wide range of stakeholders engaged in round table discussions to identify how we can better support carers of those with a learning disability.”
The final strategy will be shared widely once finalised. The Trust would like to thank all of those who participated in his important research project and in particular the research team at the University of Ulster.