10th October 2023

The Mid Ulster Loneliness Network held its first annual celebration on Friday 29th September. The event in the Burnavon, Cookstown was also used to launch the Mid Ulster Age-Friendly Alliances’ Age-friendly Strategy and Action Plan for the next three years.
Over 120 people from the Mid Ulster area attended the event.
Launching the event, Mid Ulster Council’s Chair Councillor Dominic Molloy said:
“We as a Council know that the district’s demographic profile is changing significantly with a higher proportion of older people in our communities. With older people living longer, these changes are welcomed as they are a great asset to society with vast experience, wisdom and community spirit”.
Gerard Rocks, SHSCT’s Assistant Director of Promoting Wellbeing who brought the event to a close commented “It has been an insightful event with a range of speakers covering the Take 5 theme. Both the Northern and Southern Trusts are committed to work towards combating isolation and loneliness. At today’s event the Network has been able to demonstrate a range of projects and activities used to combat loneliness across the District. It has also been an opportunity for the Council to launch their new Age Friendly Strategy and Action Plan which the Northern and Southern Trusts have supported the development of”.
Throughout October, which is Positive Ageing Month, a range of events and activities will take place across the district. These are designed to encourage older people to reach out and connect to help reduce social isolation and loneliness as well as to help support them to live long healthy lives.
A full list of local events in the Mid Ulster area are available on the Mid Ulster Council website