25th October 2023

A newly expanded ambulatory unit has opened at Daisy Hill Hospital, offering treatment to suitable patients and avoiding an overnight stay where possible.
Previously located on the ground floor the ‘Direct Assessment Unit’ with 12 treatment spaces, has moved to the new ‘Ambulatory Unit’ which can now accommodate up to 17 patients at a time.
The unit is staffed by a team of medics, nurses, social workers, pharmacy and allied health professionals, with support from domestic services and administration. They offer diagnostics, observation and treatment for a range of symptoms including lower respiratory tract infections, urosepsis, renal colic, pulmonary embolism, DVT and non-specific chest pain.
Taking referrals from the Emergency Department, GPs and the Northern Ireland Ambulance Service up to 16:30, Monday to Friday, the team are now treating between 25 and 30 patients each day.
Welcoming the latest development as part of the stabilisation plans for acute medical care at Daisy Hill, Trust Director of Medicine and Unscheduled Care, Trudy Reid said: “Ambulatory care is a service where patients are assessed, diagnosed, treated and can go home the same day. The majority of patients can have their care without being admitted to a hospital ward overnight. This service ensures that more patients receive the right treatment, at the right time, in the right place, with care from highly skilled staff.
“With growing demand on our hospitals, the opening of this bigger ambulatory unit is a welcome alternative pathway for patients. The team offer a range of options for those patients who may not need life-saving care from the Emergency Department or an inpatient admission, but do require urgent investigation or a short period of observation or treatment.
“This frees up staff time and clinical space in the ED for those patients who do need immediate acute emergency care and also helps to prioritise inpatient beds for the sickest.