3rd February 2023

Do you have concerns about your child or young person’s speech, language and communication?
Speech and Language Therapists in the Southern Health and Social Care Trust have launched a telephone advice line to provide parents and/ or carers with a facility to discuss questions or concerns about their child’s speech and language development.
Through the new weekly advice line, the Trust are able to offer a confidential telephone discussion with an experienced Speech and Language Therapist (S<).
S< are allied health professionals who provide treatment, support and care for children and adults who have difficulties with communication, or with eating, drinking and swallowing.
This advice line has been set up for parents/carers whose children are not already known to the S< service.
Anne McCourt, Speech and Language Therapy Operational Lead, said:
“We are delighted to launch our advice line which can offer a wealth of information including advice, guidance, reassurance or strategies.
“During the call, parents/carers will have the opportunity to talk through queries or concerns regarding an individual child’s speech and language development. The therapist will be able to provide you with information on typical development, as well as some advice on how to support the child’s skills and signpost to other services as appropriate.”
Julie McConville, Assistant Director Specialist Child Health & Disability, added:
“Speech, language and communication skills are crucial to young children’s overall development. Speech, language and communication issues in children and young people can stop them from joining in with others and participating in daily life. Some children do not understand what is being said to them or struggle to put words together. A child’s speech may be hard to understand or they may find interaction difficult. Children with communication difficulties may need Speech and Language therapy and we highly recommend parents/ carers who have any concerns to contact our advice line where you can speak directly to one of our Speech and Language Therapists. They are the first point of access and can help with a range of issues such as speech sounds, language development, social communication and stammering.”
The advice line is open every Monday between 10am and noon and concerns can be discussed by phoning 02837 566 446.