1st October 2019

Armagh Tigers Charitable Trust and Craigavon Cardiac Care Association have donated new equipment to the Cardiology Service at Craigavon Area Hospital.
Armagh Tigers Charitable Trust raised a generous £30,000 from a star-studded barbecue and night of entertainment at the Armagh City Hotel, after their Chairman, Kieran McAnallan underwent a quadruple bypass last year.The Cardiac Care Association which has been fundraising and supporting the hospital with cardiac research for over 50 years, kindly added to the donation to purchase the equipment including an additional echo machine.
Thanking both organisations for their generosity, Kay Carroll, Head of Service for Cardiology for the Southern Trust said:
“This new echo machine means that an additional 1,800 patients can now receive echocardiograms to diagnose their heart conditions each year.”