21st May 2024

A new relatives room has opened on Ward 3 North in Craigavon Area Hospital in response to patient feedback.
Located in a quiet area off the main busy ward, the room offers a comfortable, private space for staff to discuss a diagnosis with patients, carers or for families who have been bereaved.
The room is decorated with soft furnishings and artwork, with tea and coffee making facilities to create a tranquil atmosphere. It also has a patient information leaflets on a wide range of topics.
Since transforming into a permanent general medical ward in recent months, the 3 North team have been working hard to develop their service and improve patient experience.
The idea of the relatives room was in response to feedback from patients and families who said they would welcome a more private space to absorb and ask questions about their diagnosis.
Speaking about the new development, Sr Norma Parker said: “We want to support families as best we can when discussing a prognosis or sharing news that their loved one has passed away. Thanks to our estates colleagues, the relatives room now offers a private space for families to take some time out, away from the clinical environment of the ward. The comfortable furniture, artwork and quiet surroundings, aim to offer a welcome escape during a difficult time.”
The 3 North team would also like to thank recent patient Heather Angela Caldwell who during her stay on the ward, launched a shoe box appeal for personal care items.
Sr Erin Cassidy added: “We were absolutely overwhelmed by the thoughtfulness of Heather who during her own illness, was thinking of other, often older patients, who had been admitted to hospital with quite limited supplies of toiletries and nightwear. Thanks to everyone who has so generously donated to her appeal, to help improve the comfort, dignity and overall experience of our patients.”