24th February 2023

An event to recognise the Local Adult Safeguarding Partnership (LASP)’s efforts in working together to promote adult safeguarding has been held by the Southern Health and Social Care Trust.
The LASP is a multi-agency, multi-disciplinary partnership and includes a range of statutory, community and voluntary organisations, who have a significant contribution to make to the safeguarding of vulnerable adults.
As a partnership, they collectively raise awareness in seeking to prevent vulnerable adults from harm, exploitation and neglect.
Colm Mc Cafferty, Interim Director of CYPS Children & Young People’s Service and Executive Director of Social Work for the Southern Trust said that the context for adult safeguarding is challenging.
“I would like to thank our LASP for their ongoing commitment to this important work. This event was an opportunity for the organisations to make connections and listen to what other agencies are doing in their efforts to promote adult safeguarding practice in recognising, responding and reporting to concerns.
“The responsibility for adult protection is a shared responsibility across the Southern Trust area. We know that significant and critically important work is undertaken by all our partners on a daily basis to respond to situations where there are risks of harm and potential harm. This early intervention is a key component on the safeguarding continuum and it is vital that this work is valued, supported and resourced as we move forward with the development and implementation of Adult Protection legislation.
“Despite the uncertainty about when the Adult Protection Bill will become legislation, we are certain about our ongoing shared responsibility and commitment in seeking to prevent abuse and protecting vulnerable adults from harm. The LASP though its configuration is well placed to ensure reach into communities to educate and build awareness.”
Mr McCafferty thanked everyone for their commitment to adult safeguarding.
Caption: The Local Adult Safeguarding Partnership (LASP) members who attended an event to reflect, celebrate achievements and future plan their efforts in working together to promote adult safeguarding across the Southern Trust area