22nd November 2022

The artistic works of a palliative care patient have featured in the Southern Trust’s palliative care conference.
Palliative care focuses on achieving the best quality of life for a person with a life-limiting illness, supporting people of all ages to live well as their condition progresses.
Piotr Modrzejewski, 39, was from the Craigavon area and under the care of the district nurse and specialist palliative care teams in the Trust when he sadly passed away in June 2022.
He had embraced art as a therapy, creating an amazing portfolio of work including self-portraits, drawings and paintings. A presentation of his art was on display at the conference in the Canal Court Hotel, Newry on Tuesday, November 22.
The event follows a number of activities organised this week in the Trust to highlight palliative care and the important role that the whole community alongside health and social care staff, has to play in helping people with palliative needs.
Over 200 staff attended the conference, which covered a range of issues to consider when looking after patients at end of life, including nutritional management, identifying signs and symptoms at end of life, bereavement and advance care planning in action.
A number of display stands were also available offering advice and information including the All Ireland Institute of Hospice and Palliative Care, Southern Area Hospice, Life and Time, Macmillan Information Services and the Trust’s district nursing team.
Brian Beattie, Director of Adult Community Services explained:
“Art can have a powerful role in addressing and communicating the issues faced by palliative care patients and Piotr’s works are an incredible legacy for his family.
He added: “Palliative Care can also be just as important for people living with long-term progressive conditions, as it is for those at the very end of life.
“I encourage everyone to find out more about palliative care, so if the need arises for themselves or someone close to them, they will feel able to discuss it with their loved ones and health professionals.”
If you would like further information on Palliative Care Services in the Southern Trust please contact Gerard Leddy, Service Lead for Palliative Care, Tel: 07770703181 Email: gerard.leddy@southerntrust.hscni.net .Find out more about Palliative Care from www.thepalliativehub.com