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Positive Ageing Month October 2020

20th October 2020

Positive ageing month is a global way of recognising the value that older citizens contribute to society.

The Community Development Workers for the SHSCT PWB division have been busy preparing for Positive Ageing Month 2020.  This year instead of a hosting locality celebratory events in early October they have been working with Council Age Friendly Co-ordiantors and the local community voluntary sector to produce a range of mediums to engage and inform citizens aged 50+ about  a range of activities they can take part in during the month of October.

The Newry and Mourne and Mid Ulster areas have produced locality calendars of events. In the ABC area the Council’s Age Friendly Co-ordinator alongside ABC Seniors Network has produced a newsletter to inform older residents of local and online events across the Borough, as well as some useful information and advice.

Around 1300 care packs were distributed across the SHSCT area to coincide with Falls Awareness.  The packs included some self-care items, face masks and various booklets including Move with Mary and a recipe book.

The events and activities taking place during October range from learning new skills such as wood turning, online yoga, virtual museum tours, reminiscence workshops or learning more about your health & wellbeing.

One positive thing about this year is that due to COVID the majority of events are being held online which means that local residents age 50+ have the opportunity to engage outside of their own locality.  The vast range of online activities can go some way to help support older residents across the localities to live a more active, valued and healthy life.